Wooden Sign Quote Enquiry Form

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Select the type of sign style you'd like by clicking any image above
Cedar is best for outdoors. (Pine is only really suitable indoors) Vic Ash is a locally grown hardwood
tick this if you have no idea and would like suggestions
Choose the sign location so I know what finish to use. All outdoor signs are finished with exterior decking oil finish which can be a strong aroma if hung indoors. Signs can be made from Cedar, Vic Ash or NZ Pine (Pine is only suitable for indoors).
Please type it as you want it. eg. Andy's Shed or ANDY'S SHED
you can use more space below
Describe extra details if needed. Size, Shape, Borders, Pictures etc
Choose screw eyes above if that is how you would like to hang your sign, this is an optional extra. $4.50 pair
Anything else you might require for your awesome new sign? No fries sorry 🙂
(you can tick multiple)
tick to open the file uploader
Please double check your email before hitting send.

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