Custom Made Case Notary Public Stamp Seal Press Pt 2
Night time workshop goings ons!
Fitting the base
Fitting the Lid
Shaping the Raised Panel
Some more work in progress photos of the Stamp/Seal box. In this post I will show the steps involved in fitting the base and lid into the slots as well as fitting the solid brass plaque into the top.
Extending the slot length into the dovetails and squaring up the end without breaking through! Just a nudge with the palm is enough, this QLD Maple works well with sharp hand tools.
It’s little things like this that take the extra time — I like to sneak up on the fit rather than create a slot that’s slightly too wide or too deep, there’s nothing worse than getting half way through the glue up only to find something is slightly out of line or the base bottoms out in the slot and throws the whole thing out of square.
It can be very hard to correct once you have glue on the tight fitting dovetails, so preparation is key.
Here’s some work in progress photos – in between making signs I have started a new box/case build. This will be used for a Notary Public to keep his stamp seal press and other items he will be carrying to meetings. The box will be posted to Brisbane when complete. The timber is from the cleanup after Cyclone Yasi – some rare rain-forest species.
I’ve been working at nights and have made some progress so here are some ‘work in progress’ photos of the build so far and some close-ups of my messy but reliable workbench!
The Hidden Damage Caused By Merbau Decks In Australia
Orangutan families are losing their homes and populations are becoming extinct just so we can improve our homes and have a nice looking deck! – Ridiculous!
“Merbau is not only considered an endangered species, at the prevailing rate of indiscriminate usage it will also be extinct within the next 35 years.” Does this sound like a Sustainable timber to you? Come on Australia, we can do better than this. PLEASE READ ON!
What about the animals? Does anyone care? Or do you just love your new deck & not aware where it came from?
“I looked into the eyes of this vulnerable orangutan and pledged to do something to be part of the solution.”
Click the link above to learn more about Tracey’s business, helping the rainforest by buying sustainable products.
Why not use Merbau?
The destruction of large forest areas to get just one tree is shocking!
It doesn’t grow easily in plantations.
The small Islands of Indonesia cannot sustain this continued destruction
It is very difficult to enforce any laws put in place.
Logs are often smuggled over near-by borders or officials are paid off to turn a blind eye.
It is rapidly causing the extinction of beautiful defenceless animals
Not only losing their homes – THEIR SPECIES IS BEING WIPED OUT!
Where there is big money involved it will only continue.
I think it’s important to get the word out about the sustainability issues & damage from Merbau timber as many people are not aware of the destruction caused by the continued importation of this timber species to Australia.
Please read then share this post.
Merbau seems to be a very popular choice here in Australia – DIYer’s walk into their local hardware store looking to build a deck and don’t know better! The sales staff will probably point you in the direction of the Merbau racks without a second thought.
CHANGE IS UP TO YOU – Your choice of decking timber can help So what can we do? – Education and choice when purchasing is the key to this change, we must make change happen through the choices we make when building decks and other outdoor projects. Get the FACTS right before making a decision based on price and colour alone!
Do we trust them when they tell you it’s sustainable and being managed? – IT’S NOT!